Create communication concepts
The ideal communication concept
With the rapid growth of social media and digital platforms,...
…there are often large scattering losses in marketing. In order to generate proper customer loyalty and communicate more precisely, you cannot avoid an effective communication concept. In doing so, you must take care to stage a unified corporate image and acquire a sharp profile. In this article, you will learn how you can make marketing, customer care and internal communication work as one.
Imagine if you were to address your customer as “du” on Facebook or Instagram, but “Sie” in e-mails. Or you would use the color red in the corporate design, but revert to yellow for tweeted images: Maximum confusion or disregard would be the result. The more you expand and the more employees you employ, the more difficult it becomes to maintain a consistent image. Before you start designing your PR concept, you must first keep your goal in mind and plan carefully with your budget. The worst mistakes happen when you approach the latter phase too quickly and jump into the fray.

The question of the communication concept is also always the question of one’s own identity and often sets the marching course of a company for years. Thus, the caution that must be exercised cannot be overemphasized.
The meeting should take place live in order to nip any potential sources of error in the bud and to ensure optimal achievements of the goal The most important thing is to ask good questions instead of trying to make your mark with quick answers. The purpose of a coherent appearance is, among other things,to ensure the trust of the recipients. Customers turn to those they trust, and this can only be achieved through a professional appearance, no matter what we think of it. The next steps will leave no questions unanswered and guide you to your ideal communication concept.
How to performthe analysis correctly
Your analysis is more about the market and your competition than about yourself. How have your top 3-4 competitors positioned themselves? What media do you use? Can you estimate the available marketing budget? What trends are developing right now? During the initial analysis phase, you can probably estimate the approximate dimensions of your expenses.
Goal tracking andfocus
After looking at the market and the competition, you need to examine your own options and learn to distinguish between financial and psychological goals. In fact, when you take the first step, you may find that you need to solidify your image and name before you move forward.
What makesthe target group tick?
This is where it gets particularly specific: you need to get to know the needs of your target group and analyze them in detail. It is important to record even the most trivial details. How does the customer spend his free time? Which media are consumed? Moreover, is the buyer also the user? Is your product more likely to be purchased by women or men? Look for other contingencies and paint as accurate a picture of things as possible.
An effectivestrategy
After we have obtained the complete overview, we move on to the concrete market positioning and your “attack strategy”. The unique selling point must come to the fore here and details, such as the right tonality, must be clarified. How can you most effectively communicate the benefits of your product? What are the pitfalls? Are you prepared for all possibilities? Be sure before you move on to the next step.
Budgeting andfinancial aspects
Here you need to record exactly how much “ammunition” you have available. What is the starting budget and how do you plan to time the campaign? How much of your initial budget do you want to have left over at the end of the campaign? Experience shows time and again that marketing a product consumes just as much as developing it, or that you always have to invest at least as much money in communication measures.
Media mixand channels
Now that we have all the relevant information together, we can clarify the most important things: Which media do we use for communication? Is analog media worth it or do you want to rely entirely on digital means? From the beginning, choose the media that you think will be most effective, because nothing is more inconvenient than having to fiddle with the details after the fact. In the digital age, we underestimate the effect that an intelligent, analog advertising medium can achieve. This is not the only reason why you have to be especially on your guard.
Let’s assume you have written a mail for acquisition: How many of the recipients ultimately became customers? To what extent was your expenditure worthwhile? Do a complete analysis of your effectiveness and be honest with yourself. The profitability of your measures must be clarified and the psychological effect of marketing must be made measurable, otherwise advertising threatens to become an incalculable cost factor.
In summary
All in all, a communication concept is not something you can just dust off and reuse all the time. Each product requires a completely different approach and special attention on their part. Each building block builds on another and you can’t just follow the copy + paste pattern. With the above steps, you have all the keys to making your campaign a success and are set up for success.